Pandora Papers: Go Along to Get Along
When Reputation Matters, Leaks Like the Pandora Papers Can Be Very Effective
Encrustation of professional aiders and abetters of great wealth prevents harm to the possessors: bankers, lawyers, physicians, psychiatrists, ministers, architects, regulators, office holders, unions, educators, advisors, authors, publicists, artists, museums, lobbyists, luxury goods and service peddlers, and many more, have no interest in slaying golden calves instead worship them.
Daresay opponents of capitalism sometimes appear to be relishing issuing canards, raising funds, organizing protests, teaching countervailing socio-econo-political hopes and dreams long-toothed and dodderingly helpless to affect the dominance of go along to get along.
Few attempts to slaughter the calves gain traction against the huge justice and police protection racket shielding the less than 1% which enjoys the perks of privilege, salary, benefits, esteem hardly diminished by accusations of complicity, instead happily display the ineffective taunts and defunding calls as badges of honor, learning from the military and spies there is no bad publicity, it's all good, the meaner the better to show who is boss and best, who has the latest armaments and surveillance tools.
The "Papers" series, its hackers, reporters, publishers, is hardly as secret and unknown as touted. Nor is its procedures so different from the targets it profanes and claims to expose. Informers, implants, cooperators abound as a matter of doing business! in the global market where deception, cheating, greed are SOP.