Gigantism has its merits up to a certain point where failure is inevitable
A Monster Wind Turbine Is Upending an Industry
Wind turbines parallel derricks for the oil industry, mining complexes for the mineral industry, leviathan marine vessels for shipping, the internet for data industries, not to mention nuclear weapons for the killing industries and empires composed of takeovers of smaller countries.
Gigantism has its merits up to a certain point where failure is inevitable due to unmanageable size of complex administration, personnel, maintenance, lethargy, inertia, disinvestment heading for newer technologies and ideas and excitement.
Empires become corrupt and inefficient and abusive of their subjects, as do huge combines of whatever products or services they produce innumerably and all too often shoddily as standards are trimmed to increase profits and the tried and true becomes faulty and false.
There is a mania associated with bigger and bigger, with the uglier and uglier overwhelming the small is beautiful, the garage inventor out-thinking the corporate research laboratory, especially of the humongous nations being out-foxed by the thousands of fragments responsive to persons rather than cowed and bewildered populations fed up with paying for the top less than 1 percent.
A few of the whirling fans would be a swell example, for a while, before subjected to natural and human warfare, then would suffer the fate of legendary ruins of supremacist governments, corporations, political parties, races, genders which portend their coming collapse by an increase in monuments and biographies.