Election Was Stealed
The Rise and Fall of Carl Lentz, the Celebrity Pastor of Hillsong Church
Religion is based on duality of good and evil, both are necessary for faith in deity and fear of the unknown to be effective to make sense of life and death, happiness and sorrow, love and loss, pleasure and pain, and so on.
Arbiters of choice have an almost magical power to influence belief in goodness and avoidance of badness. Thus heaven and hell, gods and devils, must be promulgated by charlatans, priests, ministers, the holies, to appeal to doubtful, insecure and yearning for solace recruits.
Exploitation by leaders of flocks seems inherent for it separates the few from the many, and that separation empowers the few to dominate the many, inducing corruption and special privilege.
Whatever benefits leaders provide followers, and there are many, no question of that, it is far too common for leaders to abuse their power over the flock. The greater the power the more likely the abuse.
Uh, excuse me, Ms. Smith, best pull your hem down. As I was preaching ...
The election was rigged, stealed, I won by a landslide.