Is this your original meme or are you passing it along?
Why does it replace the M in TRUMP with a novel, fused figure composed of "IWI"?
(It actually displays a typographically crunched "DUMP TRUIWIP," not "DUMP TRUMP.")
So what or who is "Truiwip"?
Or does it spell TRUIVVIP?
Tru-iv-vip? 'Tru 4 vip?' Could this refer to the Intel VIPS who include all those defamed intel whistleblowers like Drake and Binney?
[I've never gotten a clear opinion from Cryptome about the VIPS; nor have I looked very hard. Do you, John, hold the VIPS in the same contempt & cynical discredit you reserve for Assange and Snowden?]
Or "Tru-'IntraVenous'-5-P"? ... Is it a directive involving injections?
What gives? The possibilities mystify.
For instance, were you instructed to post this meme by one of your associate organizations listed in your CV to send a message?
Or were you just getting your ya-ya's out by re-posting a meme that you imagined simply implies a call for neutralizing a sitting president?
Seems unlikely that a self-described cypher-punk of such great renown would miss such a glaring clue...
The auspiciousness of the date may be significant as well - Lunar New Year's Day...
Is this your original meme or are you passing it along?
Why does it replace the M in TRUMP with a novel, fused figure composed of "IWI"?
(It actually displays a typographically crunched "DUMP TRUIWIP," not "DUMP TRUMP.")
So what or who is "Truiwip"?
Or does it spell TRUIVVIP?
Tru-iv-vip? 'Tru 4 vip?' Could this refer to the Intel VIPS who include all those defamed intel whistleblowers like Drake and Binney?
[I've never gotten a clear opinion from Cryptome about the VIPS; nor have I looked very hard. Do you, John, hold the VIPS in the same contempt & cynical discredit you reserve for Assange and Snowden?]
Or "Tru-'IntraVenous'-5-P"? ... Is it a directive involving injections?
What gives? The possibilities mystify.
For instance, were you instructed to post this meme by one of your associate organizations listed in your CV to send a message?
Or were you just getting your ya-ya's out by re-posting a meme that you imagined simply implies a call for neutralizing a sitting president?
Seems unlikely that a self-described cypher-punk of such great renown would miss such a glaring clue...
The auspiciousness of the date may be significant as well - Lunar New Year's Day...
Fun times. Thanks for the pithy grist.